It’s a new day!

So it’s been a bit since I’ve posted. There’s been a lot and yet not a lot to post. As you know our last transfer was success as in I was pregnant, however, the baby didn’t survive past 8 weeks at my 8.5 week check up. I was to be released to a regular ob at that check up, things changed. I ended up needing a D&C. Everything went well with that and then it was a waiting game. My Hcg levels needed to come back down to 0 and then have a cycle to start again. That has happened and we are set to have another transfer on Thanksgiving! How lucky on the day to celebrate things in our lives we are thankful for. We have so much to be thankful for, including this next opportunity to have a transfer! Prayers appreciated for travel and the procedure and the baby. We are so grateful for everyone in our lives that continue to pray for us and our journey!

Next update on our fostering journey. As you know in June and July we got two foster kiddos. Our home and hearts were filled once again! A lot has happened with each of their journeys. Our older kiddo started kindergarten and has adjusted pretty well. Like most we are helping them catch up to their age in academics and social and emotional needs. They are catching up! Our younger kiddo has since moved back home with his family. With everything in fostering there is always mixed emotions. We continue to pray for them and their family and that they can stay on the right path and care for them. We miss them very much but hopeful for them and grateful for our time in their lives and theirs in ours! We appreciate all your continued prayers for our hearts and minds in this journey of foster care. It’s constantly changing and always keeps us on our toes that’s for sure! You’re support means everything to us! Fostering is impossible without love and support.

Everyday is a new day for everyone no matter what you’re going through.

Luke 1:78-79 Through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on high has visited us; to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Sometimes in these cold winter months it’s easy to get down, this verse I read and it hit home that God has a plan and we need to trust in that everyday. His plan is wonderful and specific for us. Finding joy in that is easier said than done but how can we not, right?! Thank you all again for the prayers and support from everyone whose following along!

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